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Human body

The whole human body is covered with a tender white skin and is composed of muscles and bones. The parts of our body are : the head, the trunk and the limbs.
The head is composed of the face and the skull, which is covered with light or dark hair, and holds the brain. In old age the hair is getting grey or white and falls off. We must have our hair cut from time to time at the hairdresser΄s.
The face comprise the forehead, the temples, the cheeks, the mouth with lips, the chin, the eyes, the ears, and the nose. The eye is organ of sight. Each eye is composed of the eyeball and two eyelids provided with eyelashes.
We hear with our ears and smell with our nose. In the mouth are the teeth, the tongue and the palate, which we have got to taste with, while the sence of touch is spread all over the body.
The head is connected with trunk by the neck. The parts of the trunk are the shoulders, the back, the breast and the belly, the stomach, but we can΄t see the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver with bile (the gall), the kidneys and bowels, where the drink and food are digested.
By the limbs we mean the arms and legs. The arms are attached to the trunk by the shoulders. The arm consist of the upper – arm, the elbow, the fore – arm, the wrist and the hand, which, when clenched is called fist. The inner side of the hand is the palm. On each hand we have five fingers, the names of which are : the fore finger (index), the middle finger, the ring finger, the little finger and the thumb.
The blind ues their hands to read, while the deaf and dumb talk with then.
The legs is composed of thigh, the knee, the calf, the shin and the foot. Each foot has a heel, a sole and five toes, the tips of which are hardered by nails. The join immediately above the foot is called the ankle. Five sences : sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

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