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National parks In Britain And Slovakia
Dátum pridania: 30.11.2002 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: chained
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 731
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 6.1
Priemerná známka: 2.99 Rýchle čítanie: 10m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 15m 15s

Events such as Guided Walks, Sea and Mountain Rescue Courses, Cruises and Forest Activity Days take place throughout the national park.

2) The Tatras National Park was founded as the first large-scale protected territory in Czechoslovakia as early as 1948. It covers a part of the territory of the Western Tatras, Rohace Mts., as well as the High and the Belianske Tatras. The park's area is 741 square kilometres. The state owns 54,1% of the land, private proprietors 2,4%, communal property 9,8% and different organisations 33,7%.
The state provides for particular protection of important areas, natural formations, scenic wonders as well as sparse plant and animal species, minerals and fossils by protecting them and also by outlining methods and conditions of this protection. Its local government body - The Tatras National Park Authority – has many purposes, for example: 1) to protect the land and species, to concern with ecosystems, biological diversion and ecological stability, rivers and lakes;
2) to create conditions for informational and educational activities concerned with the protection of the land;
3) to take professional control over the realisation of projects and plans; etc.
Nature of Tatras National Park with its biological and aesthetic values offers conditions particularly suitable for recreation, travelling and tourism. Institutions founded here like the Museum and Exposition of Tatran Nature, which feature exhibits describing the region's natural history and ethnography, are the source of many useful information to the visitors.
The Tatras National Park offers a great opportunity for hiking, mountain climbing, skiing, bicycle riding, parachuting and paragliding.
3) Comparison: It was very difficult to get some information about the Slovak national parks. In the libraries, the books concerning this topic were usually from the 50’s or 60’s; it means that they were mostly useless. The internet sites provided only minimum of needed information and were usually describing only the beauties of the nature, activities and events, but very briefly. Speaking about the internet sites of the British national parks, it was something different.
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