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Streda, 12. marca 2025
Slovakia - geography, climate, education system, Bratislava
Dátum pridania: 17.10.2002 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: lucy
Jazyk: Slovenčina Počet slov: 350
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 1.2
Priemerná známka: 2.96 Rýchle čítanie: 2m 0s
Pomalé čítanie: 3m 0s
The Slovak Republik excels at big tradition in literature and education. Academia Istropolitana in Bratislava was founded in 1465, probably it vanished in 1490, the Trnava University at this time was only 1 university in Hungarian Kingdom. Today we have many schools in Slovakia. The most important and the best school in Slovakia is Comenius University in Bratislava. POSITION AND TERRITORY
Slovakia is in heart of Europe. Slovakia doesn´t belong to big states, because the area is 49 036 squore km. In Europe has a similar position Holland or Switzerland. A river Danube connects Slovakia with Black sea and with some states. The northest municipality is Oravská Polhora, the southest is Patince, the westest is Záhorská Ves and the eastest is Nová Sedlica.
Slovakia is bounded on the east by Ukraine, on the north by Poland, on the west by Czechia and by Austria and on the south by Hungary. The west Carpathians cover a big part of Slovakia. West and east Carpathians conect with 3 lowlands: Záhorská, Podunajská and Východoslovenská.
The tallest altitude has Gerlach peak (2 655 m), than Kriváň 2 494 m, Ďumbier 2 043 m and Chopok 2 024 m. CLIMATE
Our climate is continental with typical 4 seasons. We can divide a country to 3 types: an area of mild climate, of warm climate and of cold climate. The warmest area is in surroundings of Štúrovo, with the average annual temperature 10,4°C. In this area we can visit thermal springs. The lowest avarage annual is –3,7°C in Lomnický peak.

Station Sea level Julyin °C January in °C Average annual Annual precipitation
Bratislava 133 20,4 -1,9 9,8 664
Žilina 366 17,0 -4,0 7,2 779
Poprad 703 16,2 -5,9 5,8 614
Kremnica 1167 13,8 -5,4 4,1 1102
Lomnic. p. 2633 4,2 -11,6 -3,7 1436
Košice 206 19,6 -3,6 8,7 654

Bratislava has been the capital city of Slovakia from 1st January 1993. With approximately 500 000 people is at the same time the biggest town in Slovakia too. It is the seat of the President of Slovakia. Bratislava is situated in the south-west part of Slovakia, near of the borders by Hungary and Austria. It is in area of 367,6 square km and altitude is between 126 and 514 m sea level. It is in mild climate – about 9,9 °C.
In Bratislava are many cultural monuments, museums, galeries.....

-The cathedral of st.Martin.
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