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Dátum pridania: | 07.04.2003 | Oznámkuj: | 12345 |
Autor referátu: | jelencek | ||
Jazyk: | ![]() |
Počet slov: | 3 668 |
Referát vhodný pre: | Stredná odborná škola | Počet A4: | 12.4 |
Priemerná známka: | 2.99 | Rýchle čítanie: | 20m 40s |
Pomalé čítanie: | 31m 0s |
In the field of computer software, India is among the major exporting nations with an overflow of scientists in the field. The compound growth of the computer industry has been 50% during the last five years. Trade between India and the United States has shown a healthy growth in 2000 with India’s exports increasing by almost 25% over the level of the previous year. Bilateral trade now stands at around US$15 billion. Software exports account for another US$3 billion (approximately). The most produced agricultural products include rice, wheat, cotton, tea, sugarcane, and others. India’s major exports include textile goods, gems and jewelry, engineering goods, chemicals, and leather manufactures. The US is India’s largest export partner. Exports to the US account for about 21% of India’s exports. Most important imports are crude oil, machinery, gems, fertilizer, and chemicals. US and UK are its main import partners and each account for about 6% of India’s imports. 5. Population
Over 1 billion people live in this nation. 2002 estimated population growth was about 1.51 percent. India has a large infant mortality rate of about 61.5 deaths per 1,000 live births. Life expectancy at birth is about 63 years. India is a country with probably the largest and most diverse mixture of races. All the five major racial types - Australoid, Mongoloid, Europoid, Caucasian and Negroid - find representation among the people of India, who are mainly a mixed race. The people of India belong to diverse ethnic groups. At various periods of India's long history, successive waves of settlers and invaders including the Aryans, Parthians, Greeks and Central Asians came into the country and merged with the local population. This explains the variety of racial types, cultures and languages in India. India has about 15 major languages and 844 different dialects. Hindi spoken by about 45 percent of the population is the national language. English has also been retained as a language for official communication and is the language of business in India. An average educated Indian speaks 3 languages: Hindi, English, and their mother tongue. Mother tongue is spoken at home and their close community; English or Hindi is spoken at schools, place of business, and official government institutions. The 10 heavily populated districts of the country are Calcutta (city of 13 million), Chennai (7 million), Greater Mumbai (18 million), Hyderabad (7 million), Delhi (11.5 million), Chandigarh (750 thousand), Mahe, Howrah, Kanpur City (2.5 million), and Bangalore (5.5 million).
Zdroje: internet