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Pondelok, 24. februára 2025
Ernest Hemingway Short Stories
Dátum pridania: 13.09.2003 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Arana
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 228
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 3.4
Priemerná známka: 2.99 Rýchle čítanie: 5m 40s
Pomalé čítanie: 8m 30s

Characters: Uncle George
Nick’s father- doctor
Young Indian woman
Young Indian woman’s husband
+ Few another Indians

Plot: In one Indian Camp a young Indian lady was going to have a baby. Her childbirth was very difficult, so for the reason the doctor came to the camp to help her. He came with his son Nick and another man- Uncle George. The childbirth was so complicated, that the doctor had to perform an operation. Doctor was doing Caesarean with only jack-knife and sewing it up with nine-foot. The baby was born health and it was a little boy. The young Indian mother was also all right, but her husband probably didn’t manage the situation and he committed a suicide- he cut his throat from ear to ear with a razor. During the operation doctor explained all facts of childbirth to his son Nick. When he found the dead Indian man on his bunk, he didn’t want Nick to see that view, but it was already late. Nick didn’t understand why did he kill himself. The plot of the story is simple and easy understandable and all the facts about childbirth are authentic. Author uses here direct speech, descriptions of surroundings and childbirth and also some original similes.

“He was feeling exalted and talkative as football players are in the dressing room after a game.”


Characters: American
The girl called Jig
Local woman- waitress

Plot: The story took place in the valley of the Ebro, Spain. The American couple was sitting on a railway station and waiting for their train to Barcelona. As they’re sitting and waiting, there were drinking beer and another alcoholic drink of local produce called Anis del Toro. They were talking about abortion, which the young woman was going to do. It seemed that the girl wasn’t sure about he decision to do it, but the American had no doubts. He was somehow discreetly trying to persuade her about rightness of the surgical procedure. He said that it was really an awfully simple operation; moreover it wasn’t really an operation at all. The American asserted that she doesn’t have to do it if she doesn’t want to but in his narration was quite obvious that he would be more satisfied, if she did it. In the end of story it wasn’t certain whether she was persuaded or not.

In this short story author deals with actual problem of that age- interruption. The short story is a bit more demanding for reader.
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