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Nedeľa, 23. februára 2025
Charles Dickens Oliver Twist
Dátum pridania: 06.01.2004 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu:
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 594
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 1.6
Priemerná známka: 2.98 Rýchle čítanie: 2m 40s
Pomalé čítanie: 4m 0s
Oliver Twist- is a poor boy, who was an orphan. He lives in London.
Mr. Brownlow- is very kind old gentleman. He is an old friend of Oliver’s father, but nobody knows it.
Nancy- is a young woman, who lives with Strikes. She helped Oliver more times. She cannot leave Sikes, that’s the problem.
Fagin- is a leader of gang. Everything, what boys stole is going to him.
Monks- Oliver’s stepbrother. They have same father, but different mothers. He wants Oliver’s money.

Charles dickens was born in 1812. He was son of a clerk in government office. The novels of Dickens are full of life and energy. His books are very popular.
This novel wrote Dickens in the years 1837-1738. It was time of cruel punishments if criminal was caught. This is reason of the Monks wants Fagin to turn Oliver into thieves. In some town in England, there was house for poor people. This place was called workhouse. Oliver Twist was born here. His mother died a short while after. When he was nine, he must go out of workhouse and make the pot boil alone. He was sold to grave-digger. This man was very insusceptible to him. There was too fat boy about fourteen. He hated Oliver. So, he runs away.
He went to the London. When he was totally tired and he didn’t know, where to go, he met a boy who comes under gang of thieves. He didn’t know that they are thieves. His name was Jack Dawkins. He introduced him to Fagin- old Jew.
One day, when the boys went to the town, Oliver went too. There was an old man. They relieve him of his money. Everybody escape, but Oliver was caught. The old man, called Mr. Brownlow was very kind, so let Oliver to stay in his house. Oliver was very happy. When Oliver went to the town, the thieves- Nancy and Sikes saw him. They caught him and pulled into Fagin’s house. After one week, Fagin and Sikes devised a great robbery and the wanted to use Oliver. The house, which they wanted to robbery, has had little windows so they needed Oliver, because he was thin. In this robber was Oliver stricken. The lady, who was living here, took care of Oliver. He started to study. One day, some old man called Monks, went to the workhouse and he interested in lady, who died here before twelve years. He interested in an Oliver’s mother. He was Oliver’s stepbrother. Oliver’s father was too Monks father. Their father remained to Oliver all his property. That wanted Monks.
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