Animals weren’t satisfied with their master Mr. Jones so they made a meeting and the next day they banished him away. After he got away, pigs started to be a head of the animal society. Pigs were leaders of the whole farm because they were taken for the strongest and most clever animals. Then animals started to cooperate in working at the farm. They wrote some rules for all animals, but later some animals from the farm broke them. Pigs were given privileges that other animals were not given. Their solidarity failed and they have more and more problems with each other. Pigs were lazy and profited from others hard work. A little donkey started to look at the pigs like at his previous master, Jones. He incited other animals and started the revolution. Everything begins again.
Main idea
Although the title of the book suggests the book is merely about animals, the story is a much more about the workings of society in communist Russia. The animals are used as puppets to illustrate how communist system operated, how Russian citizens responded to this and how it affected the behavior of the Russian people. It’s the story about human nature and behavior.
“Vzdelávanie a organizácia akosi prirodzene pripadli prasatám, ktoré boli všeobecne považované za najmúdrejšie“
„Bolo to nad slnko jasnejšie – prasatá sa musia udržiavať v dobrej kondícii. A tak sa bez ďalších prieťahov dohodlo, že na mlieko a padavky (a napokon aj na celú úrodu jabĺk, keď dozrú) majú nárok výlučne prasatá.
These quotations just confirm what I was writing about in the plot about pigs. They were leaders from the beginning, they were big and so they were considered to be the most clever and so they were given privileges.
“Jeden tvrdil, že sa neubránia a ľudia ich porazia, druhý zas oponoval, že keby všade prebehla revolúcia, nemuseli by sa brániť. Zvieratá si najprv vypočuli Napoleona, potom Snehuliaka, a nijako sa nevedeli rozhodnúť, ktorý má pravdu; jedno je však isté, vždy súhlasili s tým, kto práve rečnil“
These sentences show the passivity of other animals toward pigs. “Dvanásť hlasov burácalo hnevom – jeden ako druhý. Teraz už bolo jasné, čo sa to dialo s tvárami prasiat. Zvieratá hľadeli z prasaťa na človeka, z človeka na prasa a opäť z prasaťa na človeka; nedalo sa však už rozoznať, kto je kto.”
Animals find the truth about pigs. Pigs were like their master, Jones.
Zaujímavosti o referátoch
Ďaľšie referáty z kategórie
George Orwell Animal farm
Dátum pridania: | 28.01.2004 | Oznámkuj: | 12345 |
Autor referátu: | Danula | ||
Jazyk: | ![]() |
Počet slov: | 404 |
Referát vhodný pre: | Stredná odborná škola | Počet A4: | 1.3 |
Priemerná známka: | 2.98 | Rýchle čítanie: | 2m 10s |
Pomalé čítanie: | 3m 15s |
Podobné referáty
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George Orwell Animal Farm | SOŠ | 2.9478 | 578 slov |
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George Orwell Animal farm | SOŠ | 2.9440 | 2870 slov |
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George Orwell Animal Farm | SOŠ | 2.9837 | 510 slov |