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Roman, Romana
Nedeľa, 23. februára 2025
Ernest Hemingway The sun also rises
Dátum pridania: 28.01.2004 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Danula
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 371
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 1.1
Priemerná známka: 2.98 Rýchle čítanie: 1m 50s
Pomalé čítanie: 2m 45s
The story is about friendship of five friends – one woman and three men. Hemingway describes their lives and daily problems. Brett, the only women among four men, is young and attractive, and tries to be a partner for her boyfriend Mike but also a friend for her friends – Robert, Bill and Jake. This, naturally, causes many disagreements between Robert, Jake and Mike, who all felt in love with Brett. But Brett is young and frilly and doesn’t care about their love. Her love, sympathies and feelings are changing every minute and everything went wrong when during their trip in Spain she fell in love with the toreador. Robert, Mike and Jake fell out and dispersed themselves. Finally Brett leaves toreador, but friendship of Brett, Mike, Bill and Robert is destroyed. Only Jake’s love keeps.

Main idea
It’s hard to find the main idea in this book, because the plot is very simple. Maybe the author wanted to show how fragile the friendship is and especially between man and woman. Quotations
“Je to nesmierne príťažlivá žena, páči sa mi. Ani by som sa nečudoval keby som sa do nej zamiloval“
„Veľa pije,“ povedal som. Vôbec sa mi nepáčilo, keď takto o nej hovoril. Na Brett som mal nárok len ja, nie takýto chmuľo, ktorý si ešte navyše hovoril kamarát“
These sentences show how easily can friendly relations go wrong because of woman. Friend can become an enemy.

“Moja milá, z tohto pohárika čerpajte rozkoš pomaly, a potom sa pre mňa za mňa opite.”
“Ja sa mám opiť?”
„Veď ste taká čarovná keď ste opitá. Nepoznám inú dámu, ktorá by bola rovnako čarovná opitá ako triezva. Hneď som sa do vás zaľúbil“
These were words of earl. Although she was an alcoholic, men admired her whenever she came. She was always the center of men’s attention.

“Objal som ju a pohodlne sa o mňa oprela. Sedeli sme tesne pritisnutí. Boloveľmi horúco, jasno, domy svietili ostrou bielou farbou.
“Ach, Jake,” povedala Brett, “mohlo nám byť spolu tak bohovsky.”
“Veru tak,” povedal som. “Nie je ohromné aspoň na to myslieť?”
This quotation just expresses what I was writing in the plot about Mike. Only he loved her and finally he got what he wanted.
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