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Roman, Romana
Nedeľa, 23. februára 2025
Joseph Heller Catch XXII
Dátum pridania: 14.04.2002 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: cepren
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 090
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 3.3
Priemerná známka: 2.96 Rýchle čítanie: 5m 30s
Pomalé čítanie: 8m 15s

Joseph Heller, author of the book Catch-22, was born in 1923 in Brooklyn, in state New York. He was fighting in World War 2 and after his return at home he was studying on New York University, Columbia and Oxford University.He built his succesful carreer as a advertising expert in magazines such like Time or Look. In this time he decided to write Catch-22, novel, which made him famous all over the world. Joseph Heller, author several bestsellers (Good As Gold, Closing Time!), died in 1999 as a famous, rich and reputable writer.
Catch-22 is a very succesful work of american literature based on World War 2. It is one of few antiwar works, in which he brilliantly used humour, paradox and absurdity.
After geneurous accepetance of readers author had lived accusatives for “antiamericanism” and insulting for derision to heroism of customers of World War 2.
The base of work is look at uncertainty of World War 2 by view of american soldier combatant in Europe. In ultimate result goes about desertion, when hero flees from something.
Hellers’s hero senses scare of death like a base feeling. Impulse of self-preservation speaks to avoid a place where is possible to go off, even if it noone entitles heroism.
Heller decans one more front – struggle of soldier against of majors and of their absurd mandates. There is fanatic desire of lower swabs to promote – it’s called “war in war”.
The greatest enemy of squadron and full army is the law – Catch-22, which defines charges of soldier. This law isn’t concrete defined and commander can it render like he want but never in favour of soldier. But it’s only fiction. In reality it’s fictive toll to retain soldiers “under plate cover”.
Every character in this book (by me sight) images some main feature or attribute of every man.
The most interesting character is Milo Minderbinder, who’s main features are moneymaking and meanness. He built up a syndicate and said each is member of it and has a share. Sounds fantastic! Milo’s aircrafts cross the sky from USA to Ural. He intituled a syndicate M&M that it wouldn’t uprise suspicion that this company controls only one man. For bigger profit he was obliging to bombard own squadron with own planes. He didn’t attack only landing yard and a cantine, because soldiers want to land safely and they deserve a tasty food after a hard day.
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