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Roman, Romana
Nedeľa, 23. februára 2025
George Orwell Animal Farm
Dátum pridania: 10.02.2004 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: mikhayl
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 504
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 1.3
Priemerná známka: 2.98 Rýchle čítanie: 2m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 3m 15s
It was about one family who lived in a little farm out of the town. But they didn’t repay the loan, so they had to leave the farm. But dad and mum wanted to agree with the bank manager and they went to the town and kids stayed at home. Ten years boy and fourteen years girl didn’t love each other. They were doing things, which had to make the other mad. They had some animals: a goat, a dog Milly, a drake Gerard and a black pig Josefina. Meanwhile three criminals wanted to steal the gold for the man called “Hand”. (It was the same person as bank manager, but nobody knew it) Gold was going to be transported from one bank to another one. They waited near the road and when the car with gold was there, they attacked it. They stole the car and the gold too. They were driving very fast, but the police followed them. They drove faster and faster until they drove into a forest. The road wasn’t good and the car sank into a mud. It couldn’t get out of the mud itself, so the criminals decided to look for a tractor, which could pull the car full of gold out.
Then they found the farm where two kids were alone. When the criminals saw the kids they tied them up. Two criminals with a tractor went to pull the car out and the third criminal stayed with kids. But it was a pygmy, but a smart one. But with the help of animals the kids were liberated and they tied up the pygmy. Then they started to arm. They made some egg bombs and bombs from gelatin.
One hour later the criminals with the car returned and a few seconds later
“Hand” arrived. Meanwhile parents were in a restaurant, because they couldn’t get home because the road was block with cars that were crashed with a criminal car. But they were informed, because the drake came to the restaurant and it tried to show them to go home. They took two police cars with them and they went home. On the farm the kids hid the gold and they started to fight against criminals with their ”bombs”. They fought very well, but one of the criminals pulled out a gun a he aimed on the girl. So the boy had to show him where the gold was. The criminals took the gold to the car and they wanted to escape but the boy kicked “Hand” and then “Hand” wanted to kill the boy with the gun, but the brave dog jumped between them. There was a shot and the dog fell down.
Kids started to cry. Police has arrived and the criminals were arrested. But when the police went away the dog stood up and everyone was happy.
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