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Pondelok, 23. decembra 2024
The battle of Hastings
Dátum pridania: 29.02.2004 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: bilavrana
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 4 747
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 14.1
Priemerná známka: 2.98 Rýchle čítanie: 23m 30s
Pomalé čítanie: 35m 15s

By all accounts, Harold and William became reasonable friends during this time. Obviously it was in Harold's interests and health to keep it this way. Harold was involved in a campaign in Brittany during this time and was noted for saving a Norman knight from quicksand. It could almost be said that these two powerful men actually liked one another eventually. Political expediency may have given the wrong impression. Whilst they gave onlookers that impression, each had other ideas. Both however, wanted to be king of England.

As was expected the subject of Wulfnot and Harkon was introduced into their conversation. A battle of words and deeds followed. William for some time would have been expecting an oath of allegiance from Harold but Harold found it difficult to comply with his orders from Edward. Finally Harold mentioned the release of the two. Without doubt, William was expecting it. Now was his chance to force his hand. Harold stated how there could be an Anglo Norman empire, William would have none of this. William knew he had the upper hand as well as the hostages. He used his advantage to attempt a oath of allegiance from Harold. Harold knew he could not leave without the hostages, so he agreed. To make sure he honoured his pledge, the marriage was mooted between Williams daughter Adelisa and a reluctant Harold. He managed to escape this fate, but Harold was made to swear the oath of allegiance over religious relics. Expecting Wulfnot and Harkon to be released, William informed him that Wulfnot would be held until such time that he became king. Harold and his remaining brothers returned to England with Harkon only. Harold went through a period of soul searching, knowing he had sworn over holy relics. By the same token he was also reminded that he had made this pledge under duress. Harold returned to his duties.

Sward, Earl of Northumbria died in 1055 to be replaced by Harold's brother Tostig. Northumbria was the wild West of England at this time but he ruled with a rod of iron. He took law enforcement to extremes, using his position to eliminate, usually by murder, anybody who got in his way. His mentor as she had always been was his elder sister Edith. His policy seemed to emanate from her. He taxed the people heavily and was generally very hard on them. By 1065, they had had enough. They attacked his residence and destroyed it along with the murder of his chosen housecarls. Tostig was removed from office for his own safety to be replaced by Morcar, who was the brother of Edwin the Earl of Mercia. He did not take kindly to being extricated from his earldom. Harold persuaded the king to exile him. He departed for Flanders to the understanding Count Balduin.
On the 5th of January 1066, Edward the Confessor died. On his deathbed he was alleged to have said to Harold" I commend my wife to your care and with her my whole kingdom ". Without further ado, the king was burried in the morning and Harold was coronated in Westminster in the afternoon. England was a prosperous country and it did not go unnoticed by others, especially the Danes. When William heard what had happened, he must have been incensed. England was on a collision course.

William the Bastard
His father died, when he was eight. The power struggle began. William had to be removed one way or another. Series of murders began. At the end young William disappeard for several years. Around 1045, William now 17 was ready to recapture his birthright. With a band of loyal followers he returned to his home in Falaise. Here he appealed for the townsfolk's help to regain the castle. Reminding them of his origin and of his father, managed to rally their support. The castle was captured from the Dane, Toustain, who managed to escape with his life. The first stage of William's return was complete. He appealed to King Henry I for support as the king had promised to care for the boy during Robert's penance. William was now 20 years old and the struggle for power came to a head. Whoever won the next battle would be unchallenged as the Duke of Normandy. William and the Kings men on one side and an Armada of his opponents on the other. The battle took place at Val-es-Dunes and William was victorious. He was immediately knighted by the king. Normandy was again a strong force to be reckoned with. The year of 1051 heralded a strange period.
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