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Utorok, 22. októbra 2024
Traditional Slovak Wedding
Dátum pridania: 03.03.2002 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: tungsten
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 273
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 3.7
Priemerná známka: 2.96 Rýchle čítanie: 6m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 9m 15s
I. Intermediation and matchmaking of the wedding

Matchmaking of children’s wedding was always a business of a mother or of a female part of a family. Mother and her friends and female family members were looking for a good bride for her son. After the agreement between two families, mother and son’s godmother did a little research in the house of his future spouse. Then the talks between the future bride’s in-laws and groom’s parents started. At first girl’s parents were not completely willing to let their daughter to marry. They argue, that she was too young or so, but after all they asked her whether she wants to marry. But, this question, when the agreement was already set, was just a formality and was a practical form command.
After the agreement, the girl with her family came to see the house and the farmyard of her future spouse and his parents. The term of the wedding was settled immediately or later. The most weddings have been in the winter, so that the preparation would not interrupt the agricultural works on fields and around the farmyard. II. Engagement

The engagement was done at the house of bride. It was connected with feast and first exchange of presents. The “starejší” (mostly the godfather, or the local community leader) talked about the marriage and the cited the Bible. Then the girl gave to his future groom a scarf, they shook their hands and finally exchanged the wedding rings. This was a symbol of the end of their freedom. III. Preparations for the wedding

The preparations were most intensive in the last week before the wedding itself. These preparations were connected with many magic rituals and do’s and don’ts because to improve the future life of the couple. On Thursday, which was supposed to be a lucky day, women, none of them could be a widow, came to the house of bride and put some talismans into the eiderdowns. For example, pigeon feather for love and faithfulness; some herbs, piece of sugar should protect the couple against the spells and sorcery; coins should bring money and wealth; the eiderdowns should not to be banged, so that husband will not beat his wife; and at the end of whole process they sat a little boy on the eiderdowns, that the girl will bear son. On the Friday, nothing except baking was done, because the Friday was considered as a day of bad luck. On the Sunday, the bride’s trousseau was transported to couple’s future house.
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