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Dátum pridania: | 03.11.2002 | Oznámkuj: | 12345 |
Autor referátu: | lajdacisko | ||
Jazyk: | ![]() |
Počet slov: | 593 |
Referát vhodný pre: | Stredná odborná škola | Počet A4: | 1.9 |
Priemerná známka: | 2.97 | Rýchle čítanie: | 3m 10s |
Pomalé čítanie: | 4m 45s |
The best singer of classical music in the world is Luciano Pavarotti and one of the most famous contemporary violin player is quite young, she is called Vanessa Mae and she is from Singapore. Sometimes also charity concerts are held. At charity concert musician usually don't take money and they are given to various charity organisations.
Elvise Presley - American singer and guitarist, the most influential performer of the rock-and-roll era. The best known is his hit Love me Tender. He issued many records.
Beatles - famous British pop group from 60s and 70s. The members, all born in Liverpool (I was there) were John Lennon (guitar, vocals), Paul Mc Cartney (bass, vocals), Georkge Harrison (guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums). They used songs written largely by lennon and Mc Carthey. They issued many album and almost everyone reached the number one in the United Kingdom charts. Beatles also starred in two films: A Hard Day's Night and Help. To the worl famous songs belongs Love me Do, Yellow Submarine, Yesterday, Michell,….